User Agreement

(Last updated on 7/28/2016)


(1.) WEBSITE: Any user who visits or it’s sub-domains, and all pages and URL extensions of said site, is agreeing with the following license agreement. All users and any traffic going to the servers hosting the website are expected to comply with this agreement, any violation of this license may result in suspension of services available to said user (Including, but not limited to: IP blocking, DNS blocking, domain blocking, and other preventive methods deemed fair by the Markyroson Gaming© team), or legal ramifications. This agreement applies to other websites or web services sending any form of data to or it’s related services (Including sub-domains and all pages and URL extensions – henceforth referred to simply as related services). Any user(s) or web service(s) found to be attempting ANY form of malicious activity including, but not limited to: DNS hacking, DDoS, DoS, Brute Force Attemps, or any other form of hacking will be found immediately violating this agreement and legal action to the fullest extent will be taken upon these user(s) or web service(s).

(2.) WEBSITE HOSTED MEDIA & FILES: All files of any type, including but not limited to: music, documents, downloads, and other various media hosted on the domain or it’s sub-domains and respective pages are subject to the following agreement. ANY picture or video that is hosted by this website and no external website is additionally protected by this agreement. By interacting with the content hosted here including by visiting or sending ANY traffic to and/or requesting traffic from this website, you must also adhere to the following guidelines. Any breach of these terms can result in actions taken to deny our services to you including the same above mentioned punishments in article 1, additionally you may be charged to the fullest extent of the law if you breach any of these terms. You are NOT permitted to use our hosted media in any given way that is not explicitly stated, you are also NOT permitted to download any media hosted here unless we provide you with the ability to download it via a clearly indicated button or link. All text and the overall appearance of (And all it’s related domains, pages, and data) cannot be copied and used elsewhere without receiving permission prior. You are NOT permitted to create any website that’s intent is to mimic our website to trick users into releasing information and/or to cause them harm and/or damages, we will file federal charges against you indefinitely if you break this term. Markyroson Gaming© logos and all Markyroson media are all protected by the same terms. All content and media rights are reserved. Any image which has been copied from google or other global vendors and used here in any manor is subject to removal at the request of it’s owner, and is also protected by the above agreement unless clearly stated otherwise by the image’s copyright holder. For media that came from external sources, the copyright owners retain full ownership of their media.

(3.) VIDEO GAME & APPLICATION PRODUCTIONS: Any video game and/or application production that is published under the official Markyroson Gaming© name is protected by the above agreement in article 2. In addition, by downloading any game file and/or application file (or any of it’s related data), you are agreeing to the following guidelines; You will NOT reverse engineer our production, and you will NOT modify the code of the production unless you have received our specific consent prior. You will NOT re-distribute our productions under any circumstance, this means you are also NOT permitted to share any downloaded file with any other person, they must visit the website and download the file themselves and adhere to the same terms. If any media becomes no longer available to the public here, the same protection still applies to the same production(s) and you are NOT permitted to further access the content on the website unless you received specific permission from our team first to have content rights granted to you. If you are discovered to be attempting to sell or re-sell one of our productions, we will hold you legally responsible and we may sue you for legal compensation if you breach this agreement. You are welcome to modify a video game or application from us if, and only if, you receive our consent prior and do not do anything deemed malicious. You must only make requests for consent to [email protected] or you will not be responded to.

(4.) MOBILE APPLICATIONS & GAMES: Any application created by the Markyroson Gaming© team or in association with the Markyroson Gaming© brand is subject to the same protections in article 3, please note that Google Play Store and iOS App Store legal agreements also apply and may supersede portions of our agreement.

(5.) YOUTUBE AND TWITCH MEDIA AGREEMENT: The majority of the rights fall under their respective website owners own T.O.S (Terms of Service), however, we will make it clear that you are NOT permitted to use any media we create as your own. You may NOT re-upload, re-distribute, or use any other form of copyright breach on our created content such as YouTube videos and Twitch Livestreams without our written consent. You may request permission to re-upload our content only if you request & receive approved written permission from the website owner, at [email protected], requesting permission in no way will grant you permissions to anything unless approved. You are NOT permitted to EVER claim our created content as your own. Breaching any of these terms will result in negative actions taken against your respective account(s). You ARE permitted to embed our video(s) or livestream(s) on any website you wish as long as you in no way claim the content as your own. You are NOT permitted to use our content in any malicious way.

(6.) USER PRIVACY & HOW WE USE DATA WE COLLECT: When you submit content to the Markyroson Gaming© team via our domain’s contact forms, we collect your IP address, browser type, Operating System, and occasionally rough location. This information is only stored temporarily until we are able to respond to your submission and delete it. We take privacy very seriously and as such, we will never sell your data to any 3rd party, and as long as you are not an abusive user, we will never release your information to the public. All information contained in Emails received by the Markyroson Gaming© team is stored within our server while we review them and reply, Emails may stay on our server after a matter has been handled. You can request to have your Emails deleted immediately if you wish by request via Email to [email protected].

(7.) CHANGES TO THIS AGREEMENT: The Markyroson Gaming© team will try not to amend this agreement very often unless deemed absolutely necessary, however we reserve the right to modify this agreement at any given point in time with no notice to the users, you are expected to read up onto any changes yourself and comply to this agreement. We are not responsible for your failure to read and comply this agreement, we will however impose the agreed upon punishments should you breach this agreement.


If you have questions regarding this agreement or concerns, contact the support team here: [email protected]